Story by Destinee Marking, Staff writer
As the Marshall County community continues to grieve following the school shooting responsible for taking the lives of two students and injuring many more, coping resources are available for those affected by tragedies like this.
The Kentucky Center for School Safety suggests and provides links on its website to various organizations that issue educational reading and tips.
The American School Counselor Association’s website outlines how to help children during times of crisis.
“Try and keep routines as normal as possible,” according to the website. “Kids gain security from the predictability of routine, including attending school.”
Other strategies include limiting television exposure, being honest with children, assuring them the world is a good place, but sometimes people do bad things and for parents, making sure they are dealing with the crisis and stress as well.
As for adults, Psychology Today outlines five tips for those trying to cope following a traumatic experience.
According to the website, it is important to keep oneself physically safe, get medical, psychological and legal help if needed, stay physically active, keep pleasurable things in one’s life and maintain a routine and eat and sleep well.
Counseling is also a way to cope following a traumatic experience. Counseling allows an individual to talk through their feelings and learn how to deal with stress and fear.
To understand how to stay safe on campus if a situation ever arises, the Murray State community can visit the Murray State Police Department’s webpage.
“The Murray State Police teach the Run-Hide-Fight program developed and promoted by the FBI,” according to the webpage.
The page contains a link to a video detailing how to respond in active shooter situations.
Run-Hide-Fight promotes escaping the situation when this is a safe option, hiding in a quiet, dark room or fighting the active shooter if your life is in danger.
The webpage also outlines the correct procedure to follow after hearing gunshots or receiving a RacerAlert from the police.
If the active shooter is not in the same building, get inside a room that can be locked or use heavy furniture to block a door, turn off lights and silence phones, pay attention for updates and stay in the same place until instructed otherwise by emergency personnel.
If the active shooter is in the same building, the Run-Hide-Fight procedure is appropriate.
University groups and departments can arrange to participate in workshops on how to respond in these situations held by the Murray State Police Department by calling (270) 809-2222.